As pointed out by Gurumahan, the word Youth can be split into two syllables: You + th (You + that). The syllable “th” represents “that,” symbolizing:
THAT which Generates,
THAT which Operates,
THAT which Destroys.
In essence, THAT = GOD.Thus, YOUTH = GOD.Furthermore, YOUTH = LOVE IS GOD, DIVINITY IS GOD.
Youth is present within every individual as a divine and unchanging force.
Childhood is the ideal time to understand the true nature of the self. Therefore, it is vital to make all efforts to impart the right knowledge at a very young age. Early self-realization offers several benefits:
Control over hyperactive senses: It helps children gain discipline and manage impulses effectively.
Streamlining thoughts, speech, and actions: Early understanding one’s inner potential builds a foundation for clear thinking and mindful behavior.
Awareness of mental activities: Watching one’s mind closely fosters the habit of seeking guidance from elders to make wise decisions.
Preparedness at age eighteen: Spiritual and moral values instilled during childhood ensure that decisions made in adulthood are rooted in true knowledge.
Evolution into a complete personality: It cultivates self-control, self-esteem, and harmony, enabling a happy and balanced life.
Translated by Ambika Jayaram