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How to Meditate: A Step by-Step Procedure

We incorporate clock breathing and chakra concentration throughout our practice. Please ensure you are familiar with these techniques before you begin. Click here to learn more about them. 


All the meditation procedures will be easier to follow if you have completed the Mahasakthi Yogam course. However, anyone can practice it based on availability, choosing a 15-minute or a 30-minute schedule. The 30-minute schedule is beneficial as it includes warm-ups for your hips, allowing you to meditate without discomfort.

  1.  Guru Sloka:
    With your head slightly bent and your hands in Namaskar Mudra at your forehead, chant the sloka or recite the Guru Geetham.  Learn meaning and recite

  2. Pre-Meditative Stretches to Enhance Your Meditation
    Sit in Sukhasana (cross-legged position) or on a chair with the soles of your feet touching the ground.  Hold both hands in Chin Mudra and place them on your knees.

    Exhale and bend to the left, bringing your chin toward the outside of your knee. Hold. Inhale and return to the center. Exhale, bend to the right and hold and inhale to return to the center.
    Place your right hand over your left hand, palms facing down. Exhale and twist to the left, hold. Inhale and return your body to the center, keeping your hands in the same position. Then, exhale and twist to the right, hold. Inhale and return to the center.

  3. Salutation to Mother, Father, and the Guru
    Sit in Sukhasana (cross-legged position) or on a chair with the soles of your feet touching the ground. Fold your thumb, then the four fingers, and place them on your knees. This is called Aadhi Mudra.
    Think of your mother in the area of your forehead (between the eyebrows). Lean forward and salute your mother. Inhale and come back to the center.
    Think of your father in the area of your forehead and salute your father. Inhale and come back to the center.
    Think of your Satguru, exhale, and salute your Guru. Inhale and come back to the center.

    This salutation acknowledges the profound role of your parents and Guru in your life’s journey, expressing gratitude and love. Embrace this practice sincerely to deepen your connection with those who have guided and nurtured you.

    "We bless all elements and forces of nature, fostering harmony for peace in the individual, family, society, and Universe."  If you are familiar with Universal Blessings, please recite it once.

  4. Meditation
    Sit comfortably with your neck, spine, and head erect.

    Gaze at the tip of your nose, with your tongue touching the upper palate (for those who have completed the intensive meditation course).

    Concentrate on the space between your eyebrows for the first five minutes, then shift your focus to the top of your head and maintain concentration for the next 15 minutes.

    As you progress, you may experience sensations like a pulse, pressure, or an inner feeling similar to an ant crawling. Direct your attention to this divine vibration. If your eyes naturally close after 3-5 minutes, you need not strain to gaze at the tip of your nose.

    During this meditation, allow your mind to become still and centered, immersing yourself in the present moment. Embrace the sensations and vibrations, and let your inner awareness guide you to a place of peace and tranquility.


  • Before you finish the meditation, spread blessings and share the "blissful (peaceful) vibrations" or "energy" with yourself, your family, your parents, your friends, your spouse, your children, your workplace, your city, your country, the whole world, and then the Universe. Offer these blessings with a selfless thought.

  • Keep your hands in Namaskar Mudra, with your thumb touching the forehead eye, and say:  â€‹

"Let Wisdom Flourish!       Let Peace Prevail !

Let us protect Satya Yuga by the Grace of the Almighty!

 Let food grains be available to all to eradicate poverty! 

Let the earth cool! Let world peace be established.!"

  • Now, place your hands on your knees, bend humbly, and offer yourself to the Satguru, mentally expressing, "Satguruve Saranam." Embrace this act of devotion, and let it further deepen your spiritual connection and inner transformation

  • After completing the meditation, rub your hands together six times and gently place them on your eyelids. Feel the warmth emanating from the center of your palms, permeating through your closed eyelids. Repeat this process once more, and then look at your palms.

  • Next, raise your hands above your head, about 12 inches, and receive the energy at the center of your palms. Allow this energy to descend gracefully through the center of your spine, starting from the top of your head.

        Mentally affirm, "Let my intellect be purified and energized."

  • Then, once more, raise your hands and receive the energy, allowing it to descend while  mentally affirming, "Let my mind become peaceful."

  • Raise your hands again and receive the energy, allowing it to flow through your palms. As you touch each chakra from the top of your head to the lower abdomen and the base of your spine, extend the energy through your back, legs, hands, fingers, and all parts of your face, including the back of the brain and the front part of the brain. While doing so, focus your thoughts and intentions,   affirming, "Let my body become fit and healthy."


Santhosam!   Santhosam! Santhosam!

Clock Breathing: 

(Use the clock breathing pattern for bending, twisting, and salutations.)

Clock Breathing (1).png
Chakra Locations & Element
Chakra -No
Chakra (English)
1st Chakra
Root Chakra
Base of the Spine
2nd Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Lower Abdomen
3rd Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Upper Abdomen
4th Chakra
Heart Chakra
Center of Chest
5th Chakra
Throat Chakra
Space (Ether)
6th Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Between Eyebrows
7th Chakra
Crown Chakra
Top of Head
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